Gina Moonsong, a smuggler from Coruscant, was a human female who later became a pilot for the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. As a member of Blade Squadron, she had a clandestine relationship with Lieutenant Braylen Stramm. Flying a B-wing fighter in the critical Battle of Endor, she successfully completed her objective of obliterating the Imperial-class Star Destroyer named Devastator.
Subsequently, she achieved a promotion to the rank of lieutenant and received the Medal of Bravery. During the Battle of Malastare, Moonsong defied Stramm's directives and, together with two fellow pilots, demolished Moff Valco Pandion's palace located on Malastare.

Originally a smuggler hailing from Coruscant, Gina Moonsong joined Adon Fox's Blade Squadron as a cadet near the end of the Galactic Civil War. Fox suspected her secret romance with Lieutenant Braylen Stramm. When the Alliance made the decision to attack the Galactic Empire at Endor and destroy the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, their unfinished superweapon, Blade Squadron was assigned to a frustrating rearguard action, much to Moonsong's displeasure.
However, the moment the Alliance Fleet emerged from hyperspace into the Endor system, it became clear that the Empire had set a trap, with a waiting fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers. The rearguard mission was immediately called off, giving Moonsong an opportunity to enter the combat zone. When Blade Squadron encountered the Star Destroyer Devastator, the ship responsible for the death of Fox's wife, Moonsong's commander gave the order to initiate an attack run on it.

Moonsong and her squadron battled a large number of approaching TIE/IN interceptors. After a prolonged engagement, she devised a plan to attack the Devastator, sending the data to Stramm and Fanty, two of the remaining squadron members. Fanty's targeting system malfunctioned, so he instructed Moonsong to proceed without him. Stramm eliminated the TIE Interceptors pursuing her. She coordinated flight paths with him, and together they launched proton torpedoes that struck weak points in the Devastator's navigation shielding. This action resulted in the Star Destroyer's destruction.
Following the Battle of Endor, Moonsong was promoted to lieutenant. She and other surviving B-wing pilots from the battle received the Medal of Bravery, but she felt it should be awarded to those who had died. She continued her relationship with Stramm, who became the commander of Blade Squadron. Later, three new cadets—Yori Dahn, Jordan Karls, and Cutter Poole—joined Blade Squadron. After interviewing them and briefly arguing with Poole, she introduced them to Fanty and informed them that training would begin the next day at 0600 hours.
Later, Stramm informed her that their next target was an Imperial communications hub on Malastare. When Moonsong noticed the planet was shielded on the map, Stramm explained that the shield generator was near the target and that Admiral Ackbar's technicians believed they could destroy both simultaneously by creating a temporary aperture. Gina inquired about the location of a structure on the map, and Stramm identified it as the vacation palace of Moff Valco Pandion, the head of a slaver cartel. Moonsong insisted on destroying the palace, but Stramm refused, emphasizing discipline and caution. He noted that they were unsure if the Moff was present and he didn't want to risk lives going after him. When Moonsong persisted, Stramm ordered her to follow orders.
As planned, Blade Squadron attacked Malastare and successfully breached the planetary shield; however, Karls's B-wing was caught in the shield's electromagnetic surge and exploded. Poole reported at least a dozen inbound TIE Fighters. Stramm and his B-wings broke off to attack the shield generator, while Moonsong led the others toward the incoming TIE Fighters. During the ensuing battle, Poole was shot down by a TIE pilot, whom Moonsong subsequently killed. However, this retribution offered her no comfort.
Stramm successfully destroyed the shield generator and the communication hub, ordering the squadron to the rendezvous point. Moonsong instructed Fanty to take Yori to the rendezvous, but Fanty insisted on staying with her. She revealed her plan to attack the Moff's palace, and she, Fanty, and Yori descended toward the ground. Stramm ordered her to return, but she ignored him. The three pilots launched proton torpedoes at the palace, destroying it. Gina's instruments failed, and she accelerated upwards, contemplating Stramm's reaction upon her return.
Following the action at Malastare, Blade Squadron was assigned to participate in the assault on Kuat Drive Yards, a major shipwright and military supplier for the Empire. For days, the battle raged on with neither side gaining an advantage. After Blade Squadron's commanding officer Captain Tane was reassigned to Combat Operations Planning, Lieutenant Moonsong became the new acting leader of Blade Squadron.
Gina and her fellow pilots attended a briefing aboard the MC80 Star Cruiser Amalthea, led by her former lover Commander Stramm, who had ended their relationship to avoid the possibility of sending her to her death in combat. Since the New Republic fleet lacked the firepower for a single overwhelming strike, Stramm proposed surgical strikes on key infrastructure, including fuel dumps, supply monorails, and sensor arrays. Gina's Blade Squadron would be escorted by X-wing starfighters led by Lieutenant Sandara Li. The rest of the New Republic fleet would engage the Imperial Star Destroyers to keep them occupied.
After the briefing, Gina led the assault on a supply monorail defended by Imperial walkers. Against Gina's orders, Lieutenant Li and her X-wings diverted from the B-wing bombers to attack an area covered with turbolaser batteries and walkers. Li's armament proved insufficient, forcing Moonsong and her B-wing flyers to sacrifice their ordnance to save their less experienced comrades. One of Moonsong's fellow B-wing pilots was killed during the bombing run. After disabling the monorail, Gina and her flyers returned to the Amalthea.
Back at the Amalthea, Moonsong confronted Li, reprimanding her for disobeying orders to protect the B-wings from TIE fighters. When Li suggested that Moonsong's acting leadership was due to Tane's favoritism, Moonsong retorted that she had received the command despite Stramm's recommendation. She explained that she had stepped up to lead after Tane's transfer. Gina acknowledged Li's skill as a pilot but noted her lack of experience, which led her to believe her armament could damage the walkers. Gina reminded Li that they were fighting together against the Empire, and the two reconciled with a handshake.
Later in the campaign, Moonsong's Blade Squadron and two other B-wing squadrons attacked the Imperial command hub while the New Republic fleet engaged the Imperial fleet above Kuat's north pole. Despite efforts to draw the Imperial fleet away, the Imperials scrambled enough TIE fighters to counter the B-wing attack force. While Lieutenant Li's X-wings engaged the TIEs, Moonsong and her B-wings attacked the command hub with laser-guided bombs and torpedoes.
Upon returning to the Amalthea, Gina learned that her former boyfriend, Commander Stramm, would be flying an X-wing for their next mission, as the X-wing pilot Johan Volk was in the infirmary. Despite their strained relationship, Gina accepted Stramm's request to fly together. During the next engagement, the New Republic and Imperial fleets engaged in battle formation. Escorted by Stramm and Li's X-wings, Moonsong and her Blade Squadron bombed the hangar of an Imperial light carrier.
Moonsong and her comrades were about to assist the beleaguered carrier Amalthea when they received news that Kuat Drive Yard's commander, Moff Pollus Maksim, had surrendered. Gina and her pilots returned to their ship to regroup and rest.

In 5 ABY, Moonsong commanded Blade Squadron during the Battle of Jakku. Despite successfully destroying the engines of the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Ravager, Moonsong's craft sustained heavy damage, resulting in a crash landing on the surface of the planet.
Teaming up with Phantom Squadron's Temmin Wexley and a diminished group of Rebel soldiers, she spearheaded an attack on an Imperial supply convoy and utilized the vehicle's transmitter to request reinforcements.