The Devastator, a well-known Imperial I-class Star Destroyer belonging to the Imperial Navy, gained notoriety as the flagship of Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith. While under Vader's control, the Devastator took part in both the Battle of Scarif and the capture of the Tantive IV. Following the Executor becoming Vader's new command ship, the Devastator fought in the Imperial victory on Hoth. It was ultimately obliterated during the decisive battle at Endor while commanded by Admiral Jhared Montferrat.

Serving as the flagship of the imposing Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, the Devastator was a remarkable starship. This Star Destroyer measured 1,600 meters in length, which was typical for an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer. Consequently, it was equipped with turbolaser batteries, ion cannons, and a number of tractor beam projectors.
Throughout its operational life, the Devastator underwent numerous structural modifications, incorporating the latest weapon systems and technologies. These enhancements ensured it remained competitive with later-commissioned battleships. In contrast to some other Imperial I-class Star Destroyers, such as the Lawbringer and Relentless, the ventral docking bay hangars of the Devastator were divided into two smaller sections and featured a cover on the aft side, concealing the bays behind. Furthermore, its tractor beam targeting array with diagonal support beams (situated between its two deflector shield generator domes) was replaced by a communications tower with vertical support beams.
The Devastator was the final Imperial I-class Star Destroyer to be produced by Kuat Drive Yards before the facility began manufacturing the Imperial II-class. Nonetheless, it was still regarded as a cutting-edge warship, having received frequent retrofits to maintain its parity with newer ships in service.
By 9 BBY, the Devastator was under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who, along with a captain, employed the vessel in an attempt to capture Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and dismantle the Hidden Path, a clandestine resistance network smuggling individuals wanted by the Empire, including Force-sensitives. After tracking the fugitive Jedi to Jabiim, the impressed Dark Lord summoned the Third Sister to his flagship, rewarding her insight by promoting her to the rank of Grand Inquisitor. Eager to expedite matters, Vader ordered the Devastator to deploy two Imperial transports alongside the Inquisitor transport Scythe, carrying Reva, to storm the Path's refuge.

Following the Path's escape from Jabiim, the Devastator was used to chase Kawlan Roken's freight transport. Obi-Wan employed a drop ship to divert the Imperials' attention from his allies. The Grand Inquisitor advised Lord Vader to persist in their pursuit of the insurgents' ship, but his master countered that it was no ordinary Jedi before instructing the Devastator to pursue Kenobi's ship. As the Jedi Master headed to a nearby barren moon, the Dark Lord commanded his crew to prepare his shuttle, intending to confront his former mentor alone.
In 5 BBY, fourteen years after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, the Devastator functioned as the flagship of Lord Tion.
By 0 BBY, the Devastator was once again Vader's flagship, this time under the command of Shaef Corsin, and was used in his conflict against the Rebel Alliance. As the Battle of Scarif unfolded, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin directed General Hurst Romodi to summon Lord Vader and the Devastator to address the rebel forces. Arriving above the planet Scarif towards the end of the battle, the Dark Lord's flagship moved to cut off the escape of the Alliance Fleet, immediately destroying a GR-75 medium transport by colliding with it and disabling several ships, including the Rebel flagship Profundity, which held the plans for the Death Star. After boarding the enemy vessel, the Dark Lord proceeded to cut down Rebel troopers who were transporting the schematics. However, Vader's efforts were in vain, and the plans were successfully delivered to Leia Organa, who was aboard the Tantive IV, a CR90 corvette docked on the Profundity. The Tantive IV fled at the last second, escaping from the system, and the Dark Lord pursued the starship in the Devastator.

Upon reaching Tatooine, a brief skirmish took place above the planet, culminating in the Star Destroyer's successful capture of the Tantive IV. Imperial troops boarded the enemy corvette, and the Devastator targeted and destroyed any escape pods that were launched, ensuring that none of the Rebels could escape. The only exception was the pod containing R2-D2 and C-3PO, which was spared only because Imperial Gunners detected no life signs within and dismissed it as a malfunction.
Lord Vader utilized the Devastator to track Doctor Cylo's fleet of Whale-ships in the Crushank Nebulae, thanks to information provided by the scientist's colleague, Thlu-Ry. As the Star Destroyer approached the nebulae, many of the abominations scattered. This prompted the Dark Lord to lead the chase in his TIE Advanced, supported by numerous TIE/ln starfighters. However, Cylo's flagship broke away from the main group and attacked the Devastator with an ion pulse. With the ship disabled, Vader flew his TIE into Tulon Voidgazer's ship just before the fleet could jump to hyperspace. They reappeared above Kuat, the construction site of the Executor, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought intended to be under the command of Grand General Cassio Tagge, the Supreme Commander.
The rogue scientist seized control of the Super Star Destroyer, but he was soon killed by the Dark Lord, along with his abominations and staff. Due to General Tagge's misplaced trust in Doctor Cylo, he was demoted by Emperor Palpatine and subsequently choked to death by Lord Vader's invisible grip. The Executor was then given to Vader as a reward for defeating the traitorous scientist.

With Lord Vader's flag transferred to the Executor, Admiral Jhared Montferrat assumed command of the Devastator. Nevertheless, the famous vessel remained a component of Death Squadron, the personal flotilla of the Emperor's Fist.
Task Force 99, an elite stormtrooper squad, employed the Devastator to interrogate C-3PO after his capture during the siege on Tureen VII. Although Lord Vader initially wanted the protocol droid destroyed, Sergeant Kreel believed it would be advantageous to use the droid as bait to entice the Rebellion into a rescue mission.

Under Admiral Montferrat's leadership, the Devastator played a significant role in the Battle of Hoth, a decisive Imperial triumph, where it destroyed a transport. Following the battle, Vader dispatched Death Squadron into the Hoth asteroid field in search of the Millennium Falcon. During this search, all ships within Death Squadron sustained damage, including the Devastator.
The Devastator, once the pride of Death Squadron, met its end at Endor during a battle that the Emperor intended to be the Rebellion's downfall. The ship, still under the command of Admiral Montferrat, stood in the path of Blade Squadron, a group of Rebel B-wing pilots, and the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station. Ultimately, the ship was destroyed when two of those pilots, Gina Moonsong and Braylen Stramm, triggered a chain reaction of explosions, leading to the systematic destruction of the Star Destroyer and the death of Admiral Montferrat.
From before the Jabiim incident until shortly after the destruction of Alderaan, the Devastator was under the ownership of Darth Vader. By the time of the Battle of Hoth, it was commanded by Jhared Monteferrat, who held the rank of admiral when the vessel was destroyed during the battle over Endor. The senior ISB officer aboard was Captain Ronnadam.