Kawlan Roken, a male human activist, was a key figure during the Galactic Empire's peak. He masterminded the Hidden Path, a clandestine network dedicated to smuggling Jedi and Force-sensitive individuals to safety during the horrific Great Jedi Purge. He had previously been married to a Force-sensitive woman, who was relentlessly pursued by the Enpire's Force-sensitive agents, known as the Inquisitorius.
Roken was once married to a woman who possessed Force-sensitive abilities. Despite their efforts to conceal her connection to the Force, she became a target for the Inquisitorius, an arm of the Galactic Empire whose mission was to hunt down those sensitive to the Force. Following her disappearance, Roken became instrumental in leading and operating The Path, a covert organization focused on smuggling Jedi and other Force-sensitives away from the Empire's reach. Upon learning that Obi-Wan Kenobi had survived the Great Jedi Purge and required assistance in the rescue of Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa, he initially hesitated to offer his help. However, he ultimately aided Kenobi and Tala Durith in their infiltration of Fortress Inquisitorius, leading to the successful rescue of the Alderaanian princess.

After arriving on the planet of Jabiim, Roken spearheaded an evacuation operation to facilitate the escape of the hidden refugees, utilizing a soon-to-be-closed trade route. Unbeknownst to the rescue team, Leia's toy droid companion, L0-LA59, was equipped with a tracking device that led the Empire to Jabiim, resulting in a siege of the planet led by Darth Vader and the Third Sister. Initially unaware of the impending danger, Roken was caught off guard when the base hangar's blast doors were sealed. He soon learned of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer in orbit around the planet. Working alongside the former Jedi General, Roken, along with other members of the underground operation, assisted in sealing the remaining blast doors and managing the unlocking of the hangar's main doors. At Organa's urging and Kenobi's encouragement, Roken helped the princess climb into the vents to assist with opening the hangar doors.
Later, armed with a bowcaster, Roken guarded the main blast door to the base, firing upon numerous stormtroopers. He expressed his disbelief at Kenobi's defeatist attitude and witnessed his surrender to the Imperials waiting outside. Subsequently, Kawlan evacuated with the refugees and Kenobi aboard a transport. Upon learning that the transport's hyperdrive was malfunctioning, he voiced his concern to Kenobi. When Kenobi decided to leave the freighter to distract Vader, Roken initially objected but eventually conceded. As they parted ways, Kenobi urged him to continue his fight against the Empire, a commitment Roken affirmed.