
TK-3338 was the operating number given to a stormtrooper within the ranks of the Galactic Empire, specifically serving in the renowned 501st Legion. As part of their duties, they participated in the boarding action against the rebel corvette known as Tantive IV which occurred in 0 BBY. The mission's objective was to locate the stolen Death Star plans. Under orders, TK-3338, accompanied by Stormtrooper Commander TK-9091 and fellow troopers TK-4601 and TK-4247, was assigned to search the starship for any remaining passengers. Their search led them to discover Princess Leia Organa. In the ensuing confrontation, she killed TK-9091 before she herself was stunned. Following this, TK-3338 and TK-4601 formed part of the escort tasked with bringing Organa before their commanding officer, Darth Vader.


Searching for a senator

A squad including TK-3338 (rear) searched the Tantive IV for passengers.

TK-3338 was the operating number assigned to a human individual who functioned as a stormtrooper within the Galactic Empire's military arm, specifically the 501st Legion, serving under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. During the events of 0 BBY, TK-3338 was stationed aboard Vader's flagship, the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer known as the Devastator. The Devastator pursued the Alliance to Restore the Republic CR90 corvette Tantive IV after its escape from the Battle of Scarif. Subsequently, Imperial forces were dispatched from the Devastator to board the corvette, their mission being to locate the plans for the Empire's powerful Death Star superweapon, which had been pilfered from Scarif.

Following the successful capture of the rebel vessel by the Imperials, but the failure to initially locate the plans, Vader gave the order for Stormtrooper Commander TK-9091 to lead a search team consisting of TK-3338, TK-4601, and TK-4247 to find any remaining passengers aboard the ship. The quartet of troopers began their search, meticulously checking corridors, closets, and other concealed areas. TK-9091 took the lead, followed by TK-4601, then TK-3338, with TK-4247 bringing up the rear. During the search, TK-3338 inquired about the course of action should they encounter Princess Leia Organa, a senator and known sympathizer of the rebellion, who was believed to be on the corvette. TK-9091 responded that they were to stun her and bring her before Vader.

Stunning a senator

TK-3338 (behind front left trooper) helped escort Leia Organa to Darth Vader.

As their search progressed, TK-9091 noticed Organa in the corridor ahead and instructed his squad to set their blasters to stun mode. However, before the commander could fire, the senator discharged her weapon, killing him instantly. TK-4601 then fired a stun blast, hitting Organa. TK-4247 examined TK-9091 and verified his death, while TK-4601, now the highest-ranking member of the squad, confirmed that Organa was still alive. Once the rebel regained consciousness, TK-4601 pulled her to her feet and TK-3338 pressed his blaster against her back to prevent any attempt to escape.

Subsequently, TK-4601 reported that they had Organa in custody and requested the assistance of two additional troopers to transport her to Vader. He also requested a transfer from active duty, which was approved. Upon the arrival of the two additional troopers—TK-7624 and TK-8332—TK-4061 departed, leaving TK-3338 and the other three troopers to escort Organa to Vader. The Sith demanded to know the location of the Death Star plans, but the senator pretended to be ignorant of their existence. Vader then ordered TK-3338 and the others to remove her from his presence.


TK-3338 was equipped with stormtrooper armor and carried an E-11 medium blaster rifle.

Behind the scenes

TK-3338 made their initial appearance in the 1977 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The character's identity was later established in the short story titled "The Bucket," authored by Christie Golden and included in the From a Certain Point of View anthology published in 2017.

