Archon Palace

A palatial residence on Makeb served as the base of operations for Szajin the Hutt, who held the rank of Archon within the Hutt Cartel.

Behind the scenes

The Archon Palace location was incorporated into the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game as part of the Makeb planet content, introduced in the 2013 Digital Expansion titled Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel. Christian Piccolo, a concept artist who began working at Bioware in December of 2011 and contributed to SWTOR's initial expansions, including "Rise of the Hutt Cartel", designed the palace's interior.

Within the game, Makeb features two palaces: Archon's Palace and Toborro's Palace. Given that Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb oversaw the construction and design of Toborro's Palace during the Conquest of Makeb, the concept art by Christian Piccolo – the first showing a palace before, and the second after, the Hutt Cartel takeover – should represent Archon's Palace. A reasonable assumption is that Archon Palace predates the Conquest of Makeb and was seized by Szajin, the Hutt Archon, following the planet's invasion by the Hutt Cartel's forces. The distinctive white animal statues visible in the artworks are also present within Archon's Palace in the game. While Toborro appears in the second concept art, it's probable that he initially occupied the palace as a temporary command center, later gifting it to Szajin after Oggurobb constructed the new, larger, and more elaborate palace that became known as Toborro's Palace for him.

