Atrivis 7

Atrivis 7, a planet situated in the Atrivis sector of the Outer Rim Territories, was home to a population of Humans. This world experienced internal strife in the form of range wars. It served as the birthplace of Sheeka Tull, who later became a resistance fighter affiliated with the Desert Wind guerrilla group on Ord Cestus during the era of the Clone Wars.


Within the Atrivis system, Atrivis 7 held the position of the seventh planet. This system was located in the Outer Rim sector, bearing the same name. The atmosphere of Atrivis 7 was suitable for Human respiration.


Human settlers colonized Atrivis 7 and, towards the end of the Galactic Republic's existence, became embroiled in a range war. During this conflict, Sheevis Tull and his wife met their deaths, leaving their daughters, Sheeka Tull and her sister, as orphans. Subsequently, both sisters departed from Atrivis 7. Sheeka relocated to Ord Cestus, while her sister joined a religious order on Devon Four. While on Ord Cestus, Sheeka participated in the Desert Wind guerrilla movement, which opposed the practices of Cestus Cybernetics. She encountered and conceived a child with Jangotat, an Alpha-class Advanced Recon Commando serving in the Galactic Republic's Grand Army.

Behind the scenes

The novel The Cestus Deception, penned by Steven Barnes and published in 2004, first referenced Atrivis 7 as the origin world of one of its characters. However, detailed information was scarce. This article assumes that Atrivis 7 is a world within the Atrivis system, as noted in the West End Games publication The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook (1990).

Barnes mentions a "range war" on Atrivis 7 in The Cestus Deception, but does not elaborate on its specifics. Out-of-universe, "Range Wars" are "a type of (typically undeclared) conflict that occurs in agrarian or stockrearing societies," particularly in the American West. The conflicts on Atrivis 7 were most likely intended to mirror these real-world struggles.

Another West End Games work, Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear (1997), mentions an incident where Homack, a Rebel pilot, was shot down "over Atrivis." Although this may refer to Atrivis 7, there is no confirmation. Given the possibility of up to five other planets named "Atrivis [n]" within the system (One planet is already named Generis), this information is documented under "Atrivis."

