Attack at Jamiron

As part of Jixtus's scheme within the Grysk plot to bring about the downfall of the Chiss Ascendancy, an offensive was launched against the Chiss world of Jamiron. Jixtus orchestrated an assault on a Clarr family [convoy](/article/convoy] transporting important technology, utilizing several fabricated patrol ships that were made to appear as though they belonged to the Erighal and Xodlak families. While the [Clarr freighters](/article/freighter] sustained significant damage, the [cruiser](/article/cruiser] escorting them, the Orisson, led by Captain Clarr'os'culry, known as "Roscu," and local Clarr patrol vessels mounted a defense. The [Chiss heavy cruiser](/article/chiss_heavy_cruiser] Grayshrike, under the leadership of Senior Captain [Irizi'in'daro](/article/irizi%27in%27daro], or "Ziinda," who was stationed at Jamiron for defense, also joined the fray to provide assistance. Following the destruction of two of the fraudulent patrol ships, the remaining vessels initiated self-destruction sequences, ensuring that no salvageable remains could be recovered. Nonetheless, through analysis of the debris, both Ziinda and Roscu came to the conclusion that the patrol ships were not genuine, although Roscu incorrectly believed that the rival Dasklo family was behind the incident.

