Attack on Aargonar

Around the time of 22 BBY, specifically during the period known as the Clone Wars, forces of the Galactic Republic launched an offensive against the planet Aargonar, which was then under the control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. A group of clone troopers mounted an attack on a newly constructed Separatist base, resulting in the death of Mina Bonteri's husband, who held the rank of officer within the Confederacy military.


The [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], a conflict that engulfed the galaxy between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, saw the planet Aargonar fall under Confederate control. Aargonar was chosen as the location for a new base, its construction overseen by a Separatist officer deeply committed to the Confederate cause. This officer was also the husband of Senator Mina Bonteri, herself a fervent supporter of the Confederacy. Some years prior to the war, they had a son named Lux.

The attack

In approximately 22 BBY, the opening year of the Clone Wars, the Republic identified Aargonar as a target and initiated an assault. A detachment of clone troopers stormed the base, which was still under construction. Bonteri's husband put up a valiant defense, but ultimately met his end at the hands of the clones.


The demise of Bonteri's husband left her as a widow and Lux without a father. Much to Mina's dismay, Lux became increasingly withdrawn following his father's death. Almost a year later, missing the anniversary by only a week, Republic Senator Padmé Amidala visited the Bonteris, seeking a diplomatic resolution to the war, accompanied by Ahsoka Tano, a Jedi Padawan and commander within the Republic Military.

