Attack on Obumubo

The Obumubo assault was initiated in 3 ABY by the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry. This offensive targeted an Imperial garrison stationed on the moon of Obumubo, occurring amidst the broader context of the Galactic Civil War and as an element of Operation Ringbreaker.


During 3 ABY, Twilight Company was engaged in assaults on various planets. This was done to draw troops and resources away from the Kuat shipyards. These battles were characterized by intense combat. While there were no fatalities at the Attack on the dockyards of Najan-Rovi, the company suffered from injuries and fatigue.

The Battle

The garrison had months of experience battling the local sea creatures of Obumubo. The defenders had the advantage of the terrain, and they skillfully defended their stronghold. During the initial landing phase, two soldiers from Twilight Company, along with a medic, perished due to drowning after disembarking from the dropships. An additional twelve soldiers were killed during the initial assault. It required an additional two days to prepare the siege cannons on the unstable terrain, and ultimately, the cannons were instrumental in the garrison's defeat.


As Imperial reinforcements arrived, the Thunderstrike swiftly departed from the system. The former Governor, Everi Chalis, asserted that their actions could pave the way for an Alliance triumph.

Behind the scenes

The Obumubo attack was initially featured in the 2015 novel titled Battlefront: Twilight Company, penned by Alexander Freed.

