Attack on Rimcee Station

An assault on Rimcee Station transpired in 44 ABY. In the final phases of the Lost Tribe of Sith emergence, Admiral Natasi Daala, along with several insurgent Moffs, launched a coup aimed at deposing Jagged Fel, the legitimate Head of State of the Imperial Remnant. Throughout the Battle over Exodo II, which lasted a month and pitted Fel's forces against Daala's, widespread disturbances broke out within Imperial Space. With the majority of the Imperial Starfleet engaged in the conflict, disloyal Moffs seized the chance to resolve long-standing conflicts and enlarge their domains via attacks on opposing Imperial systems. Within the Rimcee system, the perfidious Moff Woolbam tried to seize Rimcee Station. Moff Garreter, who had gathered his fleet to support Head of State Fel, found himself compelled to redirect his ships to defend his territories and drive back the attacker. Ultimately, this calamitous state of affairs in Imperial space resulted in the convocation of a general Imperial election.

