Augara Jowil, an Otolla Gungan, served as the co-leader of the Great Municipal Band alongside Beezar Pert. Back in 32 BBY, Jowil was among the Gungans assembled at the Gungan Sacred Place on the planet Naboo following the Trade Federation's invasion of the world. At that location, Jowil observed Queen Padmé Amidala of the Naboo people request assistance from Boss Rugor Nass of the Gungans to combat the Federation. Nass consented, leading to the Gungan Grand Army collaborating with the Royal Naboo Security Forces to defeat the Federation during the Battle of Naboo. Following the conflict, Jowil, Beezar, and the Great Municipal Band spearheaded a parade through the streets of Theed, Naboo's capital, performing musical pieces like "Symponik Nabooalla."
The character of Augara Jowil was conceived for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the prequel trilogy film released on May 19, 1999. However, his name initially appeared as the title of the track "Augie's Great Municipal March" on the film's soundtrack, which came out on May 4, before the film's debut. Within current Star Wars canon, the character's complete name was featured in Star Wars - The Official Magazine 90, published in 2018. Jowil's full name originated within the Star Wars Legends timeline; it was first utilized there in a character entry penned by Chad Finke and featured as part of the "What's The Story?" segment on the Hyperspace portion of