Av'muru, the male Ishori commander, held the rank of Captain and oversaw operations during the battle at Bothawui. From his command vessel, the War Cruiser named Predominance, he directed the assembled forces against the Bothans together with the Diamala.
During the initial stage of the conflict, Pensin and Horvic, operatives from Imperial Intelligence, infiltrated his flagship. These agents seized control of the ship's armaments and unleashed a barrage upon the Bothan capital, Drev'starn. Despite the efforts of Ponc Gavrisom and Leia Organa Solo, who were present on the Predominance's bridge attempting to resolve the escalating situation, and despite Av'muru's awareness that the battle was instigated by external manipulation, a full-scale engagement erupted between the factions supporting and opposing the Bothans.
As Organa Solo detected the presence of concealed vessels, likely belonging to the Imperial Remnant, she employed the Force to assume control of the Predominance's navigation. After persuading Av'muru to maintain their current trajectory, they uncovered three Imperial-class Star Destroyers concealed by a cloaking shield. With the Imperial ships now visible, Av'muru delegated command of his fleet to General Lando Calrissian, who had recently been reinstated within the New Republic.