Awdrysta Pina

title: Awdrysta Pina

Awdrysta Pina, famously known as the Green Blade, was a Jedi Master of the Human species (a male individual) who held the esteemed position of Grand Master, leading the Jedi Order during the era of the First Great Schism.


Awdrysta Pina, a Human who demonstrated sensitivity to the Force, was a distinguished member of the Jedi Order. He ascended through the ranks, achieving the title of Jedi Master and eventually becoming Grand Master in the time preceding the First Great Schism. Despite his inclination towards combat, this somber Jedi preferred to explore the forgotten routes of the Outer Rim in the galaxy, rather than remain on Ossus, the Jedi's home world. During his time as a Jedi, Pina crafted a pair of katanas which he enhanced with the Force, channeling his power through twin emerald crystals. Despite his warrior spirit, Pina firmly believed in the foundational importance of order and structure for civilization. Consequently, he responded with utmost dedication when the Jedi Order's leadership summoned him to Ossus to confront the Legions of Lettow.

Leading the Jedi forces in opposition to the Legions and their commander, Xendor, Pina successfully suppressed resistance on planets such as Chandrila, Brentaal IV, Metellos, and even Coruscant. He relentlessly pursued Xendor, eventually cornering him on Columus. During the battle that ensued, Pina's forces vanquished formidable opponents like Sethul Asaiage and Tun Bohoi, culminating in Pina's ultimate defeat of Xendor himself.

Regardless of his triumph and the demise of the Legions' leader, Pina's thirst for vengeance remained unquenched. He pursued Xendor's lover, Arden Lyn, to Irkalla located in the Unknown Regions. There, Pina attacked Lyn, only to have his katana shatter upon impact with the powerful Kashi Mer talisman she wore. Fatally wounded by the fragments of his own weapon, Pina's determination to end Lyn's life persisted. Drawing upon the Force, Pina executed the rare and dangerous technique known as morichro, halting all of Lyn's bodily functions and causing her heart to cease beating. Pina perished during this process, and Lyn would have suffered the same fate had it not been for the intervention of unknown parties. Lyn's body was placed in suspended animation within a tomb, only to be revived approximately 24,500 years later, during the reign of the Galactic Empire.

Behind the scenes

According to Abel G. Peña, the author of The Emperor's Pawns, Pina was originally named "Waldan L'lacielo," an anagram created from the name of fellow author Daniel Wallace. This name was later revised during the editing process. Peña subsequently divided the anagram, utilizing it as the first names for General Grievous's victims, Waldan Bridger and L'lacielo Sageon.

