Bacca's Ceremonial Blade was a revered sword of the Wookiee people. The legendary Wookiee warrior Bacca forged it from the wreckage of the initial starship that landed (or, more accurately, crashed) on the planet Kashyyyk.
Revan wielding Bacca's Ceremonial Blade
The sword was inherited by each subsequent chieftain from Bacca, becoming a symbol representing the strength and bravery of the Wookiee Chieftain. This tradition continued through generations, eventually leading to its possession by the Chieftain Rothrrrawr. During a confrontation with a terentatek within the Shadowlands, the blade fractured at its hilt. The broken piece remained embedded in the creature's thick hide, forcing Rothrrawr to escape with only the hilt. Thereafter, the hilt alone served as an emblem of leadership, passed down through succeeding chieftains until Revan discovered the blade at the urging of Freyyr.
Revan presented it to the exiled Freyyr as a tool to aid him in his effort to take back his leadership position from his son, Chuundar, who had unlawfully taken it. Following Chuundar's defeat, the two parts of the sword were rejoined; however, Freyyr relinquished the sword. Upon the request of his younger son, Zaalbar, Freyyr permitted him to take ownership of the sword, signaling Zaalbar's future role as chieftain when he returned.