Barb Mentir was a pirate of the Weequay species and male, serving within Hondo Ohnaka's notorious pirate cartel. During a mission to Florrum undertaken by the Galactic Republic, Mentir and Turk Falso plotted to betray Ohnaka, aiming to seize the spice intended as ransom for themselves. Mentir employed a Flarestar-class attack shuttle to destroy the Nu-class attack/transport shuttle that was carrying the Republic's representatives. Ultimately, as Falso's scheme unraveled, Mentir met his death when Count Dooku used the Force to compel Falso to fatally shoot Mentir during Dooku's escape.
Barb Mentir was a male Weequay who was a member of Hondo Ohnaka's Ohnaka Gang. The pirates, led by the opportunistic Ohnaka, captured Count Dooku, a Sith Lord, and, shortly after, Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. The pirates then demanded spice from the Republic as a ransom. A Nu-class attack/transport shuttle then arrived at the pirates' base on the planet of Florrum. At this time, Mentir and Turk Falso, Ohanka's second in command, decided to destroy the ship. Mentir then flew a Flarestar-class attack shuttle and fired missiles at the Republic ship, destroying it. The pirates then took the spice and went back to their base.
However, the survivors of the crash would cross the Doshar fields to the base, eventually helping to release the three prisoners. As the Sith Lord made his escape, he came across Mentir and Falso, who were outside near their ship. Choking Falso, Dooku used the Force to make him shoot Mentir with his own blaster, killing him.
The book Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles identified Barb Mentir in canon. James Arnold Taylor, who also voiced Obi-Wan Kenobi in the series, voiced him.