Battle of the Outlaw Tech Base

title: Battle of the Outlaw Tech Base

The dogfight that occurred in 2 BBY over Sarlucif is known as the Battle of the Outlaw Tech Base. It pitted the Vandangante outlaw techs against the Corporate Sector Authority.

The Events Leading Up To The Battle

When "Doc" Vandangante left his outlaw tech installation to acquire supplies, he placed his daughter, Jessa, in command. Soon after, Han Solo landed, hoping to secure the techs' services. After the Millennium Falcon had been partially disassembled, the base's sensors detected an Authority corvette deploying a squadron of four starfighters. The outlaw techs quickly assembled Headhunter Flight, utilizing their six available Z-95mk1 Headhunter snubfighters. To protect his grounded ship, Solo took on the mantle of Headhunter Leader, organizing the squadron into three pairs of ships.



Han Solo compensated for the speed advantage of the Authority IRD starfighters by exploiting the Headhunters' superior maneuverability. He did this by engaging the Authority ships within the planet's atmosphere, where the IRDs' poor aerodynamics would be a disadvantage, rather than in the vacuum of space. The CSA pilots, banking on the tech pilots' lack of experience, separated after the initial engagement, leading the inexperienced pilots to abandon their wingmen. The first casualty was Han's young partner in Headhunter Two, but Jessa's wingman in Headhunter Four evened the score with a kill of his own. Solo became locked in a fierce duel with the IRD leader who had shot down his wingman, while the remaining two IRDs regrouped and made a beeline for the base, taking out the tech brothers in Headhunter Five and Headhunter Six.

Jessa's Lafrarian wingman engaged one of the IRDs and sustained damage, but created an opening for Jessa in Headhunter Three, who capitalized with a kill, sending the Authority fighter off course. Headhunter Four was forced to retreat to the base due to damage, leaving Jessa to face the remaining IRD alone. After a hard-fought battle, Han Solo prevailed against the IRD commander and turned to assist Headhunter Three. Jessa targeted the last IRD as it completed its strafing run on the base defenses. As she prepared to fire, the wounded IRD surprised her with a shot, causing her to miss. Solo swiftly eliminated this fighter, allowing Headhunter Three to reacquire a lock and destroy the final Authority IRD.


Although an Authority invasion was prevented, the outlaw tech base's location was exposed. The base on Sarlucif was abandoned, and the operation was relocated to Urdur. As a result of his contribution to the battle, Han Solo received the upgrades he needed for the Millennium Falcon.

