Battle of the Quellor system (Mandalorian Wars)

A clash occurred within the Quellor system of the Colonies during 3962 BBY. This confrontation was a segment of the Mandalorian Wars, a war fought between the Galactic Republic and the invading forces of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. In that specific year, the Mandalorians aimed to seize control of the Core World known as Duro via an aggressive campaign they named "Mandalorian Triumph." This offensive was executed in two parts, with one originating from Mandalorian-held space. This advance resulted in the star systems falling under Mandalorian dominion as the invaders pushed towards the Core. Ultimately, they seized the planet of Commenor and subsequently assaulted the Quellor system, overcoming it in the subsequent combat. Following this, they advanced towards the Exodeen system and launched their successful invasion of Duro from that location.

Behind the scenes

The conflict in the Quellor system was brought up in the 2009 reference work The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace alongside Jason Fry.


  • The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)

Notes and references
