
Bava was a male Yuuzhan Vong [link text](link url) who discovered Sal Ghator in the act of stealing crops belonging to the Extolled. Following the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War, he received permission to reside on Zonama Sekot, where he endeavored to establish a community within La'okio.

In the year 35 ABY, Bava presented his grievance regarding Ghator and his fellow ex-warriors to Tahiri Veila, a Jedi Knight overseeing Zonama Sekot. Ghator explained to Bava and Veila that their section of the village was infertile (a contradiction to the post-Yuuzhan Vong War mandate of integrated living), attributing it to the disgrace brought upon them by Yun'o (a belief supposedly abandoned after the war). Ghator further accused the former heretics of causing their downfall at the war's end. Bava countered this claim by reminding Ghator that the late Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane's heresy had nearly destroyed the Yuuzhan Vong through the war, and that the warriors' resistance to change had made them the new Shamed Ones, not the Extolled. In response, Ghator struck Bava, an act Tahiri Veila could not have prevented even if she desired to; she secretly wished to convey to Bava that attempting to label the former Yuuzhan Vong warriors as the new Shamed Ones was a negative trait from their past society that they needed to transcend.

