The Berserkers and their enhanced counterparts, the Advanced Berserkers, constituted a class of particularly savage Wookiee warriors. These fearsome individuals were typically armed with either a pair of Ryyk blades or bowcasters.

Following the Galactic Empire's seizure of Kashyyyk and the subsequent enslavement of the Wookiee population, the Berserkers rose up against the Imperial Forces. Their primary objective was the liberation of their home planet, and their combat prowess was fueled by an intense rage directed at the Empire for the suffering inflicted upon their world and people. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Berserker groups remained concealed due to the Empire's policy of Human High Culture. These warriors commonly engaged in battle wielding two exceptionally large Ryyk blades, though they were also capable of utilizing bowcasters for ranged combat. To maximize their agility on the battlefield, they were equipped with light armor. The Advanced Berserkers originating from Ittummi proved invaluable during the later stages of the liberation of Kashyyyk. Six Advanced Berserkers participated in the assault on the Avatar Orbital Platform. The legends surrounding the Berserkers highlighted their capability to single-handedly overwhelm entire groups of mercenaries. They were known for their ferocity, speed, and rapid attacks.
Aron Peacebringer drew a parallel between the Calian Battle madness and the "berserker rage."
The Berserkers and their advanced versions are featured in the 2001 video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds and its 2002 expansion pack. In the game, they serve as the special units for the Wookiee civilization and can be produced at Fortresses. The production cost is 80 units of food and 35 units of nova crystals.