
The laborers on Athus Klee underwent biomesh augmentation.

Biomesh functioned as a filtering agent for toxins. During the Imperial Era rule of the Galactic Empire, the Crimson Dawn criminal organization employed workers at their ore hub situated on the world of Athus Klee. These individuals were subjected to cybernetic enhancements by Doctor Cornelius Evazan, a surgeon, to boost their work output.

These alterations involved substituting the noses and mouths of certain workers with biomesh. The Besalisk Dexter Jettster ultimately stumbled upon the ore hub and observed the transformations performed on the workers. He captured scans of these modifications, documenting them in the book that would later be known as Smuggler's Guide.

Production Notes

The initial mention of Biomesh occurred in the 2018 sourcebook titled Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, authored by Daniel Wallace.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide (Initial Mention)

Additional Information
