
Bixby was a Corellian Corvette of the Imperial Navy that saw action in the Galactic Civil War.


As part of a resupply mission before an anticipated Imperial offensive, Blue Squadron noted the Bixby's crew's desire to switch sides during a hit-and-fade strike on an Imperial convoy as it departed the Dellalt system. To obliterate the convoy, comprised of BFF-1 bulk freighters named Arreis, Orcim, Esorp, Nigiro, and Murtceps, Captain Hamo Blastwell and Lieutenant Keyan Farlander were deployed, with Y-wings protecting the Bixby. The transport named Dagger linked with the corvette, bringing an Alliance squad to take control. The Gorgon, an Imperial Nebulon-B escort frigate, showed up but was unable to stop the now-captured vessel from going back with the Alliance team. Captain Nogdra, who commanded Bixby, disclosed the Empire's scheme for a significant offensive known as Operation Strike Fear, which was scheduled to commence in that very system.

