The Venerated Toxmalb held a senior position among the adherents of entropy within the organization called the Sorcerers of Rhand.
The Venerated Toxmalb was an initiate of the Sorcerers of Rhand. Situated in the Perann Nebula of the Unknown Regions, these Sorcerers were a collective of entities who professed belief in a power surpassing the Force, which they termed the Dark. By adhering to the Will, or the Way of the Dark, they were blessed with unique powers. Toxmalb stood as one of the most seasoned members of this group, and due to his century-plus journey along the darksight path, he ascended to the role of Rhandite Lorekeeper.
Toxmalb resided within the decaying aerie of the High Tower Observatory situated at Rhand´s central ruin. He dedicated his time to the preservation and interpretation of ancient artifacts, and he was also known to guide those visiting the twelve worlds of the Nihil Retreat on occasion.
The Venerated Toxmalb was generally considered a revolting being by most sentient creatures; the dark side of the Force had so ravaged his physical form that his skin had become a cascade of dry, powdery flakes constantly shedding from his body, and his eyes were now merely deep, empty sockets. He was known for his considerable height, and although he was bipedal, his specific species remained a mystery.
Toxmalb possessed mastery over a vast array of languages, particularly those originating from the Unknown Regions, enabling him to converse in Basic, Anzat, Cheunh, Drommnyr, Ebruchese, Killik, Minnisiat, Sy Bisti, Tof, Vagaari, and countless others. His vocalizations were characterized by a raspy, croaking quality.
He was typically adorned in tattered, deteriorating robes and bore a shadow crown embedded beneath his skin, granting him the ability to command up to one hundred Rhandite Pawns, scattered across the Nihil Retreat, at any single moment.
Toxmalb was an extremely skilled practitioner of the dark side, capable of wielding many aspects of the Force. Beyond fundamental Force powers such as Force sense, telekinesis, and farsight, he exhibited mastery over Force lightning, Force grip, and Force rage. The shadow crown, implanted within his cranium, empowered him to control and communicate with over a hundred individuals across the worlds of the Nihil Retreat, known as "Pawns," who were completely subservient to his will.
The darkflies inhabiting his head and flesh were under his absolute control, and upon his command, they would surge forth from his body to assault his adversaries. While incapable of biting, these flies would coalesce into a dense, suffocating cloud, causing his enemies to death by asphyxiation.
Furthermore, he possessed complete immunity to all forms of mind tricks.