Rhandites, alternatively referred to as Rhandite nihilists, were a group of individuals who lived solely within the Nihil Retreat as followers of the faith founded by the Sorcerers of Rhand. From their sanctuary located on Rhand within the Perann Nebula, the Sorcerers governed the Rhandites. Blessed Toxmalb, who was a Sorcerer of Rhand, possessed the designation of Rhandite Lorekeeper and had the capacity to command as many as one hundred Rhandite Pawns situated throughout the Nihil Retreat at any single moment. Not long before the onset of the Clone Wars, the Rhandite nihilists had given their blessing to the "Dark Worlds" which constituted the domain of the genetic terrorist Zeta Magnus in the Unknown Regions.
The Rhandites were initially introduced in the 2010 publication, The Unknown Regions. Subsequently, they were mentioned in 2014's The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire, Part 3, where Cronal was identified as belonging to the Rhandites. The final reference to the Rhandites occurred in 2015's SkyeWalkers: A Clone Wars Story.