Blood of a Jedi

"Blood of a Jedi" represents the concluding sixth episode within the radio drama adaptation of Return of the Jedi. It was initially broadcasted on National Public Radio on December 10 of 1996. This episode encapsulates the Battle of Endor, which serves as the culmination for both the radio drama and the motion picture, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

The Rebel commando team forces its way into the Endor shield generator bunker through its rear entrance. Inside, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Princess Leia neutralize the defending forces, while Major Darlin starts to set up explosive charges designed to obliterate the generator, which will then permit the approaching Alliance Fleet to engage the Death Star. However, outside the bunker, See-Threepio, Artoo-Detoo, and Wicket observe a substantial reinforcement contingent, including scout walkers, advancing towards their location. Much to Threepio's distress, both Wicket and Artoo vanish from sight, leaving him isolated and uncertain regarding how he might assist his companions.

The Alliance Fleet exits hyperspace. Aboard the Millennium Falcon, General Lando Calrissian and his copilot consult their sensors to determine the status of the Death Star's deflector shield and discover that their communications are being jammed—an indication that the Empire anticipated their arrival. Almost immediately, vessels belonging to the imperial starfleet materialize, effectively closing the trap. The Death Star itself then targets a Rebel cruiser, demonstrating that its weaponry is fully functional. Admiral Ackbar issues an order to retreat, but Lando insists that the Rebels maintain their position in order to allow Han's team sufficient time to disable the shield.

Within the Emperor's Throne Room, Palpatine mocks Luke Skywalker as they both observe the unfolding battle. He implores Luke to embrace the Dark Side of the Force, asserting that this is the only path through which he can hope to triumph over him.

Returning to the moon's surface, the captured Rebels are led out of the bunker. From the summit of a small hill, Threepio and Artoo attempt to get the attention of the troopers. When several troopers approach to apprehend them, the Ewok warriors launch a surprise attack, which enables the Rebels to avoid capture and mount a counteroffensive. Han and Leia then proceed to reopen the bunker door, calling upon Threepio and Artoo for assistance. In outer space, Lando commands his fighters to engage the Imperial star destroyers, maintaining hope that the commandos will succeed in neutralizing the Death Star's shield.

Within the throne room, Luke, overwhelmed by the words of both Palpatine and Vader, activates his lightsaber. Vader responds in kind, and the two engage in a duel. Palpatine encourages Luke's aggression, prompting him to moderate his approach and adopt a more defensive strategy. However, Vader's assault is relentless. Father and son engage in a fierce battle, much to the perverse amusement of the Emperor.

The droids arrive at the bunker door, but Artoo is struck by a blaster shot before he can hack into the system. Han's attempt to bypass the security measures also proves unsuccessful. Han and Leia then surrender to an approaching scout walker, which is revealed to be piloted by Chewbacca. Major Derlin then arrives with a substantial force of Ewoks. Han then boards the walker and, impersonating an imperial officer, transmits a message to the bunker control room, hoping to lure out the remaining Imperials. The commander complies by opening the door, after which the Rebels and Ewoks surround and capture the imperial troops. Derlin then leads the team in placing the demolition charges.

Vader persists in his pursuit of Luke. He then detects that Luke's thoughts are focused on his sister, and he threatens Leia. This once again provokes Luke into launching a furious attack, severing his father's hand. Palpatine approaches, demanding that Luke slay his father, thereby fully embracing the Dark Side. Aboard the Headquarters Frigate, Ackbar observes that the shield has been deactivated and orders the fighters to commence their assault on the Death Star's reactor. Lando pilots the Falcon at high speed into the station's interior, followed by all the surviving Rebel fighters.

Luke, observing the shift in the battle's momentum, informs Palpatine that he and his empire are doomed. Palpatine unleashes "the lightning of pure will" against Luke, torturing him with the full power of the Dark Side of the Force. He then commands Vader to dispose of Luke's body once Palpatine has finished with him. Luke, instead, pleads with his father to save him. Vader then abruptly turns against his master, declaring his liberation from Palpatine and from the Dark Side. He hurls Palpatine, rather than Luke, down a nearby core shaft, absorbing the brunt of his lightning attack in the process.

Deep within the Death Star, Lando and Wedge reach the main reactor and destroy it. They are then forced to retreat along their entry path in order to escape the station before its systems completely overload. Back in the throne room, Anakin Skywalker, in his dying moments, requests that Luke remove his mask, so that they can see each other face to face. He tells Luke that he is proud of him, and then breathes his last.

The Rebels on Endor erupt in cheers as they witness the Death Star explode in the sky. Leia assures Han that Luke survived the explosion. Han then offers to step aside when Luke arrives, but Leia reveals to him that Luke is her brother. Leia then encourages Han to be honest about his feelings and to kiss her. Later that night, Luke returns to Endor. As Ewoks and Rebels celebrate all around, Luke, accompanied only by See-Threepio, lights a funeral pyre to burn Anakin's armor and to mourn his father. The Ewok music commences as all the friends are reunited. Luke then tells Threepio about the vision he is experiencing: the spirits of Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin, three comrades in arms reunited after death.


Most Star Wars radio adaptations streamline the structure of the films, avoiding abrupt transitions and shifts in perspective. "Blood of a Jedi," in contrast, rapidly alternates between the action transpiring on Endor, within the Death Star throne room, and in the space battle. Certain elements from the film are simplified: a significant portion of the Ewok counterattack, including Chewbacca's capture of a walker, occurs off-mic and is conveyed through the dialogue of other characters. Similarly, Luke's escape from the Death Star with Vader's armor is also handled in this manner. The destruction of the Executor, a dramatic scene in the film, is omitted entirely.

In the film, a Rebel starfighter identified as Red Three is depicted as being shot down, and shortly thereafter, Green Leader delivers the line, "Three of them coming in, twenty degrees." In the radio adaptation, a similar line is instead attributed to Red Three: "Three eyeballs, twenty degrees high." In 1997, Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays also credited the line to Red Three. The actors portraying the two roles physically resemble one another. The radio adaptation also portrays Red Three as flying inside the Death Star alongside the other Rebel fighters, which again contradicts the film.

Luke mentions escaping in the Emperor's personal shuttle; this conflicts with other sources that indicate he used Vader's shuttle instead. The episode, which was produced in 1996, includes the song "Ewok Celebration," which was later replaced in 1997 by "Victory Celebration" for the film's Special Edition.


