Blue Coral Divers Clan

The Blue Coral Divers Clan, hailing from the planet Dathomir, constituted a clan of witches. As was the custom among all Dathomirian witch clans, a Mother served as the leader. These witches, known for gathering colorful shells, derived their name from blue coral, a type of coral found natively on Dathomir. Falta, a witch without a coven, at one point bartered with a traveling member of this clan for shells; these shells were used by Falta to fashion her daughter, Yenna. Sometime in the period between 20 BBY and 19 BBY, Falta journeyed to the planetoid Sídi, where she narrated the story of her exchange with the witch to a young girl referred to as "Bug."

Behind the scenes

Within current canon narratives, the short story "Bug," penned by E. Anne Convery and included in the 2020 collection The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, mentions the Blue Coral Divers Clan. Conversely, in the Star Wars Legends continuity, the clan receives a mention in Backlash, which represents the fourth book in the Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi series, released in 2010.

