Blue Star Centre

The Blue Star Centre, situated on the planet Cularin within the Gadrin region, existed during the era of the Galactic Republic. This establishment served as a sanctuary for philosophers, providing them with a space for contemplation and philosophical inquiry on the planet.


Around 134 BBY, the Centre was established by Dee-Lynn Cance, a former Jedi who transitioned to philosophy after leaving the Jedi Order. In 48 BBY, the Cerean individual Amin Galingal arrived at the Centre and seemingly remained there indefinitely. He eventually rose to the position of director, and his writings gained popularity among the Tarasin, the native sentient species of Cularin. Approximately in 31 BBY, members of the Intarsa League, a criminal syndicate led by Dersa Welles, infiltrated the Centre and held everyone inside as hostages. However, the Heroes of Cularin intervened, aiding in the League's defeat and the subsequent release of the hostages.


The Centre's layout consisted of multiple buildings, each situated on its own separate island within a lake. Bridges connected all the islands, with the largest island positioned at the lake's center, housing the Centre's primary structure, the library. An additional island was dedicated to a rock garden.


The director of the Center held the title of Lector. The Centre hosted lectures and poetry gatherings, but it lacked a structured curriculum, and students did not earn formal qualifications. Instead, students could stay for as long as they desired. While most students produced written works, some artists and craftsmen also chose to study at the Centre. Certain philosophically inclined Jedi Masters would advise their Padawan learners to visit the Centre to attend lectures or spend several days there. Among the Jedi, it was believed that those who engaged in the meditative exercises required to attune lightsaber crystals while at the Centre had an improved chance of successfully constructing a lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

The Blue Star Centre appeared for the first and only time in Operation Blue Star, an adventure within the Law and Order story arc of the Living Force roleplaying campaign. In the adventure, the spelling of its name is "Centre," utilizing UK English, instead of the US English spelling "Center," likely due to its writing in the United Kingdom. However, as no canonical source uses the US spelling, this article maintains the UK spelling "Centre" when referring to the building's name.

