
A certain type of fruit, susceptible to bruising, was known as a Blumfruit. In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin in 0 ABY, the alien named Takvax, while on the planet of Rion, pleaded with the Wookiee Chewbacca not to inflict harm, asserting that he bruised easily, just like a blumfruit.

Behind the scenes

The canon of the new Star Wars universe included a reference to Blumfruit within the pages of the comic "Swoop Racers". This comic, penned by Cavan Scott, was released as part of Star Wars Adventures (2017) 21 on May 8, 2019. This fruit had its origins in the Star Wars Legends continuity, making its debut in the Ewoks television series episode titled "Wicket's Wagon," which was initially broadcast on November 9, 1985.

