Takvax, a bounty hunter of the alien variety, boasted a gray complexion. This individual was associated with Kuru, a swoop racer. Around 0 ABY, the duo found themselves on the planet of Rion. It was there that they crossed paths with Han Solo, a smuggler who had a substantial Imperial bounty placed on his head. Takvax, in collaboration with Kuru and others, devised a scheme to seize Solo during an upcoming swoop race, aiming to claim the reward.
During the competition, Takvax utilized a comlink to relay the strategy to Kuru. However, Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca, companions of Solo, eavesdropped on this conversation. Subsequently, Chewbacca physically lifted Takvax, compelling the bounty hunter to divulge crucial information. This information was then employed to safeguard Solo, who ultimately emerged victorious in the race.

Takvax operated as a bounty hunter, an alien during the Galactic Civil War. This conflict pitted the Alliance to Restore the Republic against the Galactic Empire. Not long after the Battle of Yavin in 0 ABY, Takvax, alongside Kuru (a swoop racer), was situated on Rion, a planet in the Outer Rim. They encountered Han Solo, the smuggler, as he prepared for a local swoop race. After Kuru complimented Solo's vehicle, the smuggler boasted that he would best Kuru in the race. Angered, Kuru complained to Takvax, who revealed that Solo had a large Imperial bounty on his head, prompting Kuru to suggest they contact the Imperials.
A plot was hatched: incapacitate Solo at the medical center during the race. A medical droid would sedate him, facilitating his transport to Coruscant. As the race commenced, Takvax communicated the plan to Kuru via comlink, leading Kuru to attempt to steer Solo's vehicle into a tree. Makta, another racer involved in the scheme to capture Solo, then rammed the smuggler, but crashed after he damaged her stabilizer. She reported her failure to Takvax, who reassured her that Solo would be taken out by Glunge, a bounty hunter set up with a laser-sniper on a rooftop nearby.
However, Solo's associates, Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca (a Wookiee), overheard Takvax's comlink conversations. Chewbacca grabbed Takvax by the collar, causing the bounty hunter to plead for mercy and, under questioning by Skywalker, reveal Glunge's location. Skywalker then intervened, preventing Glunge from harming Solo and assisting the smuggler in defeating Kuru and winning the race.

Takvax spoke of the plan to capture Solo in a public setting, loud enough for others to hear. The alien claimed to bruise like a blumfruit and begged not be hurt when lifted by the collar by Chewbacca. Takvax belonged to a bipedal species, characterized by textured gray skin and two yellow eyes.
Takvax made an appearance in the comic titled "Swoop Racers," featured in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 21, released on May 8, 2019. Cavan Scott penned the comic, while Derek Charm provided the illustrations.