Wicket's Wagon

title: "Wicket's Wagon"

"Wicket's Wagon" represents the tenth installment within the first season of the animated series Ewoks. Paul Dini served as the writer, while Raymond Jafelice took on the role of director. Its initial broadcast occurred on November 9, 1985, via the ABC network.


A Vestige of Wars Past

While foraging for blumfruit deep within Endor's woodlands, Wicket Warrick, accompanied by his older siblings Weechee and Widdle (affectionately known as "Willy"), find themselves caught in a downpour. Seeking refuge from the inclement weather while traversing the forest, Wicket and his brothers stumble upon an aged Ewok battle wagon. Widdle initially expresses surprise at the boar-wolf skull adorning the wagon, but Weechee assures him that it is deceased.

The brothers soon decipher, through a stone engraving, that the wagon was constructed long ago by their very own great-grandfather, Erpham Warrick, and played a crucial role in the victory against the Duloks during a significant battle. Mistress Kaink joins them, also seeking shelter from the rain. She elaborates on the battle wagon's history, explaining its use in a major conflict between the Ewoks and Duloks. The Duloks aimed to destroy the Ewoks' sacred Soul Trees, but Erpham's invention led the Ewoks to triumph, driving the Duloks into the swamps. Wicket proudly acknowledges their ancestors' achievement. Before departing, Mistress Kaink mentions that only a select few, including herself as the village's legends keeper, are familiar with this tale.

Once the rain subsides, Wicket resolves to restore the wagon. However, Weechee and Willy show no interest. Wicket decides to enlist the help of his friends. While he is away gathering supplies, several Ewok children, including Paploo, engage in play with the battle wagon. Teebo accidentally collides with Paploo, causing damage to the structure. Wicket is displeased, but Paploo points out the battle wagon's age and dilapidated condition. After expressing his discontent, Wicket informs his friends that he has obtained Erpham's original construction blueprints from Kaink. Latara and Kneesaa provide them with refreshments. Paploo, Teebo, Latara, and Kneesaa lose interest. The sole individual eager to assist Wicket is Teebo's younger sister, Malani.

Dulok Intrigue

However, a Dulok spy is observing them and relays the information to King Gorneesh. The Dulok king, while taking a bath, suspects that the Ewoks are plotting something. He summons his Shaman, Umwak, but slips and gets a bucket stuck on his head. He dispatches Umwak to gather more information about the battle wagon. However, Umwak collides with a tree. When Queen Urgah inquires about his haste, Umwak reveals King Gorneesh's assignment to investigate the battle wagon. Urgah persuades him to seek out the oracle Murgoob, known as the "Cranky."

Umwak and Urgah pay a visit to his uncle Murgoob, who resides within a tree trunk in the swamp. Murgoob is hesitant to engage with visitors until Umwak identifies himself as his nephew. Murgoob dismisses his nephew's role as Shaman. Umwak informs Murgoob that the Ewoks are constructing a battle wagon, causing Murgoob to panic about hiding. He explains that the Duloks were poised to conquer the forest when the Ewoks deployed the battle wagon, driving them into the swamps. Murgoob desires to acquire the battle wagon to exact revenge on the Ewoks and seize control of the forest indefinitely.

Wagon Restoration

Over several weeks, Wicket, Malani, and her bordok Baga dedicated themselves to restoring the battle wagon to its former glory. Wicket expresses gratitude for Malani and Baga's assistance. Together, they fell a tree, lift logs, fit wheels, and set up a battering ram. The trio also apply tar to the battle wagon. While the Ewoks and Baga are resting, Gorneesh and Umwak observe them. They decide to wait until the Ewoks have completed the restoration of their wagon.

On the day the battle wagon is finished, Malani returns with Baga to Bright Tree Village. Wicket takes pride in his craftsmanship before taking a nap inside the battle wagon. While Wicket is resting, the Duloks seize the opportunity and commandeer the wagon. Wicket manages to escape King Gorneesh and his men but is unable to prevent the Duloks from absconding with his wagon.

Wicket's Determination

That night, Wicket sounds Bright Tree Village's drum, awakening the Ewoks to inform them of the Duloks' theft of the battle wagon. However, the villagers do not share Wicket's concern, not even Chief Chirpa, who believes the Duloks lack the intelligence to operate it. Only Kneesaa sympathizes with Wicket's loss.

The elated Umwak addresses the Duloks, vowing to utilize the battle wagon to expel the Ewoks from the forest. King Gorneesh orders his followers to advance the battle wagon, but they inadvertently drive it into a river.

While the Duloks strategize their new assault on the Ewoks, the disheartened Wicket visits the soul tree of his great-grandfather Erpham. He confides in his ancestor about his predicament with the battle wagon. There, Erpham's spirit communicates with Wicket, advising him not to apologize for his efforts. Erpham recounts how the Ewoks initially mocked him when he constructed the wagon, but it later proved its value by aiding them in defeating the Duloks. He encourages him not to give up once he has committed to something.

Inspired by his great-grandfather's encouragement, Wicket resolves to pursue the Duloks. He overhears Shaman Umwak informing his uncle Murgoob about their plan to use the battle wagon to harm the Ewoks. Murgoob advises Umwak to destroy the Ewoks' soul trees to break their spirit. However, Murgoob declines to join his brethren, having secluded himself for 600 seasons.

After Wicket overhears their plot to destroy the Ewoks' soul trees, he disguises himself as the old Murgoob and tricks the Duloks into driving the wagon into a nearby river. But his cover is blown when the real Murgoob shows up and takes Wicket captive.

Thwarting the Duloks

As the Duloks advance towards the Ewoks' soul trees in their battle wagon, Wicket is confined within a cage. While Wicket devises a plan to access the battle wagon's support peg, the Duloks spot Kneesaa and Latara, who are enjoying a picnic with a group of Woklings. Wicket alerts them to the danger and instructs them to warn the elders of the Duloks' plan to attack the soul trees. The Duloks attempt to ram Wicket's friends, but they escape in time.

Continuing their mission, the Ewoks head towards the soul trees but find their path blocked by several Ewok warrior led by Chief Chirpa. King Gorneesh addresses the gathered Ewok warriors, boasting of his plan to destroy their soul trees. Chirpa orders Gorneesh to stand down and to release Wicket, vowing to fight to the last Ewok to save their soul trees. Gorneesh orders his Dulok warriors to plough through the Ewoks' mound of rocks, breaching their defenses and causing them to scatter. Chirpa regrets laughing at Wicket's warning.

The Duloks also hurl spears at the Ewok warriors, causing them to scatter. As the Duloks drive through the forest, Malani and Baga pursue the wagon, seeking to rescue Wicket. Against Wicket's wishes, Malani rides onto the wagon and attempts to free Wicket from his cage. A Dulok warrior attacks her but Wicket kicks him, in the process freeing himself. They then toss the Dulok out with the cage. However, they are left to face the other Duloks.

Working together, Wicket and Malani pull the levers, causing the rotational walls to throw the Dulok warriors out. Wicket drives away another guard using the battering ram, causing him to crash in a bush. Wicket and Malani then confront King Gorneesh and his entourage. After dispatching two of his guards, Gorneesh sends Umwak but he falls off the ladder when the Ewoks throw it down. Gorneesh charges at the Ewoks but the two evade. Before leaving, Wicket threatens to pull the main support peg. Gorneesh dares him not to do but Ewok makes the hard decision to dismantle his battle wagon. The two Ewoks escape while the wrecked battle wagon crashes with Gorneesh and Urgah near Erpham's soul tree. The spectral Erpham is relieved that his tree survived.

Rebuilding the Wagon

The Ewoks later rebuilt the battle wagon for Wicket in appreciation of his courage. Malani tells Wicket to remove his blindfold. Chief Chirpa tells him that the Ewoks rebuilt the wagon to thank Wicket for having the vision to rebuild it in the first place. Wicket quips that he is good at following orders, clarifying it is the vision.

Chronological Context

"Wicket's Wagon" was adapted into a children's book of the same name. The episode was released on DVD in 2004 as part of the Tales from the Endor Woods feature film. It can be found on side 2 of the disc.

Production Team

