Boga was a sizable, lizard-esque varactyl of the female persuasion. This creature made her home on the planet of Utapau. During the Clone Wars's final days, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi utilized her as a steed while battling General Grievous's forces in the Battle of Utapau.
Boga, a female varactyl, displayed iridescent green skin that was pebbled and possessed a blue glimmer. Her length spanned fifteen meters, and her height reached approximately four meters at the shoulder. Her head and neck were adorned with vibrant, colorful feathers. Similar to other varactyls, she had powerful limbs ending in five-toed feet equipped with curved claws, as well as a lengthy tail that helped her maintain balance.

While searching for General Grievous on Utapau, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi realized he required a mount. He went to an area containing pens where the Pau'an inhabitants kept varactyls and dactillions trained for transportation. It was here that he came across Boga, selecting her to be his varactyl mount after employing the Force to influence a Utai wrangler. She assisted him in his confrontation with General Grievous; however, she was later killed on Commander Cody's orders following the execution of Order 66 in an attempt to eliminate Kenobi.