
Bomodon, the homeworld of the sentient Bomodon species, was a terrestrial planet. It resided in the Bomodon system, which itself was situated within the Churba sector, a region of the Trailing Sectors in the Mid Rim.

The reconstituted Sith Empire took control of Bomodon during the early years of the Great Galactic War, which commenced in 3681 BBY. By 3674 BBY, the Strategic Information Service of the Galactic Republic had dispatched agent Marcus Trant to Bomodon, marking his initial documented assignment in the field. In that same year, Imperial military forces shot down a platoon from the Republic's 45th Infantry Division, led by Lieutenant Elin Garza. With Trant's assistance, Garza and the remaining soldiers of her marooned platoon evaded capture. For the next ten months, they conducted a persistent, improvised guerilla campaign that ultimately resulted in Bomodon's liberation from Imperial occupation.

Behind the scenes

The reference book Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, released in 2012, was the first to mention Bomodon. The 2009 reference work The Essential Atlas located the Bomodon system, and therefore the planet itself, within grid square O-15.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia (First mentioned)

Notes and references
