Bothan Nether Rot was a malady impacting nearly all humanoid species, marked by a purple-green tint to the skin localized around the upper legs. During the Cold War era between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, no remedy had yet been discovered for this ailment; the battlefield medic Doc determined that finding a cure for it was not a worthwhile endeavor in his search for a disease to cure.
Bothan Nether Rot initially surfaced in the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, developed by BioWare, within the dialogue "Looking for a Cure" with the Jedi Knight companion, Doc. Furthermore, it is featured in the Smuggler quest "Identity Crisis", where a player choice involves having the slicer Kixiaralu alter the background of the smuggler's competitor, Skavak, to render him unattractive to women. Subsequently, Kixi modifies Skavak's files to indicate that he carries Bothan Nether Rot. While the disease shares its name with the Bothan species, no connection between them was ever officially established.