Kixiaralu, or Kixi as she was often called, was a female Mirialan who made her home on Coruscant, the Republic capital, following the conclusion of the Great Galactic War.
Born on the planet Ryloth, Kixi developed substantial skill as a slicer of computer networks during the Great Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the resurgent Sith Empire. In the wake of the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, Kixi imparted her knowledge to Larin Moxla, a Republic trooper who had fallen from grace, upon Moxla's arrival on Coruscant. The combination of Kixi's instruction with the slicing skills Moxla had gained in the Republic Special Forces' Blackstar Squad transformed Moxla into a highly capable slicer, who then used those talents to attempt to bring order to the gang-ridden streets of Coruscant.
In 3645 BBY, the Migrant Merchants' Guild, a criminal syndicate operating on Coruscant, captured Kixi. For two years, they compelled her to slice into various computer systems. Eventually, a smuggler discovered her captivity. Kixi then aided her rescuer by breaking into and compromising the private files of a criminal whom the smuggler was tracking.
Kixi's initial mention occurred in the 2010 novel The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance, penned by Sean Williams. Player Characters who choose the Smuggler class in BioWare's massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) Star Wars: The Old Republic encounter Kixi as part of their storyline on Coruscant. The player is presented with choices that determine Kixi's fate: they can liberate her from imprisonment, take her into custody, or even end her life, depending on the dialog options selected.