The Brentaal, a starship, served the Imperial Navy throughout the Imperial Era. Its designation was derived from the Core world called Brentaal IV. The vessel was assigned to Rampart Station in 14 BBY; this Imperial depot was used to organize supply ships heading to the planet of Geonosis, the construction site of the Imperial battle station that would later become the Death Star.
During that year, a rebel cell fabricated several false holotransmissions to simulate an attack on Rampart Station by a warship and accompanying starfighters. These fabricated transmissions were then dispatched to Sentinel Base, a nearby Imperial installation, with the intention of diverting its forces. The fraudulent distress signal received at Sentinel included a report from Rampart's Lieutenant Thon indicating that the station had lost contact with the Brentaal. Ultimately, Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, the commanding officer at Sentinel, determined the transmissions were a deception and successfully defended his base from the ensuing rebel attacked.
James Luceno mentioned the Brentaal in his novel Tarkin, which was published in 2014.