The governing body known as the Cadinth Oligarchy held power over the Outer Rim planet of Cadinth for several decades preceding the end of the Galactic Republic. This Oligarchy was under the leadership of Prime Oligarch Rankwin Fopow. When a conflict arose in 22 BBY between the Republic and a militant secessionist faction, the Oligarchy initially sided with the Republic. However, following a pro-Separatist uprising that resulted in the death of Bodis-Ker Vitan, the Jedi Watchman of Cadinth's capital city Saskapeg, the Oligarchy reversed its stance. Subsequently, Fopow recanted all prior declarations, asserting that the planet's allegiance was now "firmly undecided" concerning the two factions.
The HoloNet News website featured the Cadinth Oligarchy in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #55, which was published on May 9, 2002. Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens authored the article mentioning this government; its title was "Cadinth Loyalty Uncertain After Jedi Death."