The Mid Rim world of Cadinth held Saskapeg as its capital city, and it also served as the seat of the Cadinth Oligarchy government. During 22 BBY, as the Galactic Republic found itself in conflict with a militant separatist faction, the Oligarchy initially sided with the Republic. However, this allegiance shifted when a pro-Separatist uprising erupted in Saskapeg, resulting in the death of Jedi Knight Bodis-Ker Vitan, who was the planet's designated Watchman. This event triggered the government's decision to rescind the world's backing of the Republic, although Prime Oligarch Rankwin Fopow later retracted these statements, asserting that the Oligarchy was "firmly undecided" regarding its allegiance.
HoloNet News Vol. 531 #55, a release from the HoloNet News website, mentioned Saskapeg. This issue was released on May 9, 2002. Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens authored the article referencing the city, which carried the title "Cadinth Loyalty Uncertain After Jedi Death."