Canyon Corsair's Stronghold

The Canyon Corsair's Stronghold existed on the planet of Lok. This served as the operational hub for the Canyon Corsairs, a group of space pirates that were a menace to the Karthakk system.


Following the Battle of Yavin, the Imperial Naval Captain Boyrake, who had retired, and Talia v'laenya, a past Rebel spy, came across the whereabouts of the Canyon Corsair's Stronghold, which was on Lok.

During 1 ABY, a smuggler delivered illicit goods to Marla at the Canyon Corsair's Stronghold. Approximately concurrently, an individual managed to get inside the stronghold and pilfered a DL-44 blaster pistol that had grooves.

In that same year, Bronell, a bounty hunter working for Jabba the Hutt, sent a spacer to the pirate's stronghold. The mission was to obtain details regarding a CorSec officer who was in debt to both Jabba and the pirates themselves.

