Car Affa

Car Affa, a Weequay arms dealer, operated on Coruscant during the time of the Clone Wars. He engaged in the practice of selling Republic weaponry to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, his activities were cut short when he was apprehended by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker along with his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. Subsequently, the Jedi brought Affa to the Jedi Temple.


During the Clone Wars, which pitted the Confederacy of Independent Systems against the Galactic Republic, Weequay Car Affa made his living as an arms dealer. He acquired weapons on the black market and then proceeded to sell them to the Separatists. While he was in slum district G17 on the planet of Coruscant, Republic intelligence led Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano to a bar where he was located. Skywalker told Tano to wait outside to prevent Affa from escaping, then Skywalker went into the bar by himself. After some blaster fire, Affa was captured, and everyone else in the bar ran away. Skywalker took Affa to Tano, and the three of them went back to the Jedi Temple. Once at the temple, Tano asked if she could visit the Jedi Archives to do some research. Skywalker agreed and said that he would deal with Affa.

Personality and traits

Affa was a despicable and immoral Weequay who profited from the war and had brown skin.

Behind the scenes

Affa's first appearance was in "Lightsaber Lost," which was the eleventh episode of the second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series.

