Cassidode VI, a planet with a terrestrial environment, served as the site for a small, poorly provisioned Alliance to Restore the Republic outpost during the Galactic Empire's imperial era. Farns Monsbee, a rebel pilot, was the only pilot of a snubfighter stationed at the base. He later moved to Blue Squadron on the moon of Yavin 4 before the Battle of Scarif occurred in 1 BBY.
The reference book Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and published in 2016, was the first place Cassidode VI was referenced.
- Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide (First mentioned)
- Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z
- 2018 Topps Star Wars Galactic Files (Card: Farns Monsbee) (backup link)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 71 (Weapons & Uniforms: Blue Squadron)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 75 (Databank A-Z: The X-wing Starfighter)