Cedral Gend was a Jedi Master of the Human species, identified as male, and he held membership within the Jedi High Council. His period of activity occurred during the time of the Cold War, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and its opposition, the Sith Empire.
Gend possessed expertise in, and actively hunted, both dark side Force nexuses and dark side artifacts. His investigations led him to form alliances with the Hutts and even individuals within the Imperials. He rapidly became aware of the Dread Masters' distribution of the Seeds of Rage, and he assigned a Republic operative the task of locating and destroying them.
During the time of the Third Galactic War, he was present at Port Nowhere during the attack launched by the Hidden Chain. Cantis Bralor took Gend as a hostage.
Republic players are given the mission "Buried Evils" by Cedral Gend. At the conclusion of the mission series, Gend's dialogue will vary based on whether the player chose to recover or merge the Seeds of Rage. Should the player have embraced the dark side path and merged the Seeds, Gend will express his inability to detect the artifacts' presence. At this point, players can either claim the artifacts were neutralized, or falsely state they destroyed the Seeds or handed them over to the Republic Strategic Information Service.
Cedral Gend was originally planned to appear as a boss encounter in a segment of the Imperial storyline that was ultimately cut from Yavin IV.
In the The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith mission "Chains in the Dark," Imperial-aligned Force users will find that Markan, not Cedral Gend, has been taken hostage by Cantis Bralor. Conversely, Republic players controlling either a Jedi Knight or Jedi Consular will encounter Cedral Gend as Cantis' hostage. If the player hasn't finished "Buried Evils" before this mission, Gend will mention that the Eternal Empire conquest has significantly complicated the search.