
Chaf'pri'uhme, also known as Afpriuh (core name), was a male Chiss. He achieved the military_rank of Senior Commander within the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet. He was a weapons officer serving on the Springhawk, a heavy cruiser, under the command of Senior Captain Thrawn.

During the Hoxim incident, Afpriuh was instrumental in the obliteration of the fraudulent Agbui nyix mine situated on Hoxim. His actions effectively thwarted a scheme to cause a civil war among the Chiss people. Utilizing the Third Sight abilities of sky-walker Che'ri for guidance, Afpriuh precisely calibrated the Springhawk's weaponry to target and destroy the Saltbarrel at the "mine", staging the event to appear as an accident. Consequently, the competing Great Families who aimed to control the alleged nyix mine were prevented from engaging in conflict over it.

