Chagrian colony

A settlement of the Chagrian species existed on the planet of Mindor during the time of the Great Galactic War, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Established prior to the year 3680 BBY, this colony served as the birthplace of Fideltin Rusk, a Chagrian who opposed the extreme pacifism of the colony and joined the ranks of the Republic Military. Ultimately, the colonists' unwillingness to defend themselves against oppressors resulted in the destruction of the colony by the Sith Empire in 3650 BBY.


This small colony of Chagrian people, belonging to the species of the same name, was located on the Inner Rim planet called Mindor. Its inhabitants were deeply committed to pacifism, a trait common among Chagrians, so much so that they would not retaliate against those who exploited them. Throughout its history, the colony faced harassment, terror, and manipulation from various sources, including Hutts, pirates, corporations, and even different governments. Despite this, the Chagrians remained steadfast in their pacifist beliefs, refusing to fight back even when the reconstituted Sith Empire launched an attack against their settlement.


Fideltin Rusk was raised in the Chagrian colony on Mindor.

The Mindor colony, established by 3680 BBY, was the home of Fideltin Rusk's parents (mother and father). Fideltin Rusk himself was born in this colony during that year. Growing up in the colony, Rusk witnessed its struggles during the Great Galactic War fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. However, he became increasingly dissatisfied with his family's pacifist principles and, as soon as he could, he enlisted in the Republic Military. In 3650 BBY, early in the Cold War, a period of tension between the Republic and the Empire, the colony was attacked by Imperial forces during an unauthorized invasion of Republic space. The colony was completely destroyed, and the news of his family's deaths fueled Rusk's recklessness with the lives of his soldiers and intensified his dedication to the Republic Military.

Behind the scenes

The Chagrian colony was initially referenced on the official website for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game developed by BioWare and published by LucasArts in 2011. This reference appeared in the Holonet entry dedicated to Fideltin Rusk. Rusk, who serves as a companion character for the Jedi Knight class, also discusses the colony and its tragic fate in the conversation titled "Passive Resistance." Furthermore, the colony receives mention within the in-game Codex entry for Rusk.

