Fideltin Rusk's father

The Chagrian male who fathered the Galactic Republic soldier known as Fideltin Rusk resided on the planet of Mindor. This was during the time of the Great Galactic War, a conflict between the Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Like many members of their species, he was a staunch pacifist, and he and a woman became parents to Fideltin sometime before 3680 BBY. They brought up their son in the pacifistic colony where they lived.

However, Rusk defied the colony's principles. As soon as he reached adulthood, he enlisted in the Republic Military. Throughout both the Great Galactic War and the ensuing Cold War, he never went back to the colony. In 3650 BBY, the Sith Empire launched an attack on the colony during an incursion into Republic territory. Rusk's parents, along with everyone else in the colony, were killed. Following this event, Rusk's commanding officers began to notice that he was becoming increasingly reckless during combat.

Behind the scenes

The father of Fideltin Rusk, who is a companion character for the Jedi Knight class in the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, was initially mentioned in the Holonet section found on the game's official website.

