Chandra Hobat, hailing from Dayark within the Episol system, was a female Ithorian. She was active in politics, agriculture, and ecology. In the year 8 ABY, she held the position of President within the Kathol Republic.
Hobat, a capable politician, was serving her second term as President in 8 ABY. Her administration prioritized long-range terraforming and farming projects, the results of which were not expected for many years. This caused a decline in public support for her policies, forcing her to rely on a coalition of various factions in the Kathol Republic Senatorial Council.
Following the incident that resulted in the loss of two corvettes belonging to the Kathol Republic Navy, Hobat presided over an emergency session of the Senatorial Council. This session was convened to try the crew of the New Republic corvette FarStar for the aforementioned loss. The crew was successful in convincing Hobat that they were not culpable for the act, and that agents of Moff Kentor Sarne, masquerading as members of the New Republic, were actually responsible for the attack.
The FarStar situation made Hobat aware of the immediate benefits that an alliance with the New Republic could bring. However, she needed to persuade the citizens of this fact, but she could not openly endorse the FarStar crew because doing so would put her in direct opposition to her primary political rival, Senator Sho'ban Do, who held a stronger political standing.
After the FarStar crew revealed Do's involvement in a scheme to assassinate the Senatorial Council using droids and seize control of the Republic, Hobat's support was restored. To demonstrate gratitude for the efforts of the New Republic representatives, she agreed to a preliminary alliance.