Chell was a male Human who belonged to the Five, a compact cult of evil worshippers dwelling in the isolated region of space referred to as the Hellhoop. For centuries, Chell, alongside his fellow cultists, engaged in the torture and killing of those who wandered into the Hellhoop; of particular note, the Five seized and imprisoned Wutzek, the last surviving Force demon known to exist. Sometime in the period spanning from 0 to 3 ABY, Chell—who shared a romantic relationship with Chokla, another member of the Five—and his group took Rebel figures Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca captive, intending to murder them for their own twisted enjoyment, as they had done to countless unsuspecting travelers. However, Chewbacca succeeded in freeing Wutzek from its confinement, and the demon retaliated by massacring all the members of the Five—Chell, who was the initial individual to realize Wutzek's liberation, was the first to die.
Chell's first appearance was in The Pandora Effect, a comic book story from 1981 penned by Alan Moore and released in The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 151. Adolfo Buylla provided the artistic illustrations for Chell in this narrative.