Christophsian sugar

Christophsian sugar was a type of caramelized-sugar blend. It drew inspiration from the crystalline forests located on the planet of Christophsis. This all-purpose sweetener was made up of light brown sugar crystals, imparting a hint of citrus and warm cooking spice to various foodstuffs.

Strono Tuggs, an Artiodac chef, asserted that it was highly addictive. He stated that he personally found it impossible to resist adding this sugar to popped grains, freshly toasted mealbread, or even a simple cup of caf. In 34 ABY, Tuggs released The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook, his cookbook which featured a Christophsian sugar recipe, comparing its adaptability to his Nerfsteak Seasoning. Recipes for both Moogan Tea and sweet-sand cookies, which used the sugar as a topping, were also included in the book.

Behind the scenes

Within current Star Wars canon, Christophsian sugar appeared as a recipe in the 2019 cookbook titled Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook, authored by Marc Sumerak and Chelsea Monroe-Cassel. The out-of-universe recipe relies on the caramelization process and is created using sugar, water, orange extract, and vanilla extract as ingredients.

Christophsian sugar initially appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity. It was first mentioned in "Dining at Dex's," a Hyperspace exclusive article from 2009, penned by Gregory Walker.


  • Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook (First mentioned)

Notes and references
