Classic Star Wars 6

Classic Star Wars #6 represents the sixth installment in the Classic Star Wars comic book series, brought to you by Dark Horse Comics.

This specific Classic series featured recolored and reformatted reprints of the _Star Wars_ daily newspaper strip created by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson during the early 1980s. Williamson also contributed additional artwork and panels to adapt the narratives for the standard comic book layout.

The initial six pages, from page 1 to 6, present a reprint of the conclusion of the The Serpent Masters comic strip, whereas page 6 seems to contain newly created panels and artwork. Beginning with page 7, the comic reprints the initial portion of the Deadly Reunion comic strip.

Synopsis from the Publisher

Following Luke's experiences alongside Tanith Shire and the Serpent Masters, he reunites with Leia on Kabal just as the planet is subjected to an Imperial assault. Fortunately, Han and Chewie arrive to provide assistance once more – however, a deceptive homing signal leads them into an enormous trap!

Compilation of:

  • The Serpent Masters
  • Deadly Reunion

Included within:

  • Classic Star Wars Volume 1: In Deadly Pursuit
  • Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Newspaper Strips Vol. 2

Cover Images

Additional Information
