The Serpent Masters

The Serpent Masters is a comic strip created by Archie Goodwin as the writer and Al Williamson as the artist. Its initial release was in 1981 through the Los Angeles Times Syndicate. Subsequently, it was reprinted in issues #13–16 of the periodical Amazing Heroes.

Dark Horse Comics put out a new edition of it, starting on page 12 of Classic Star Wars 4, continuing throughout Classic Star Wars 5, and finishing on page 6 of Classic Star Wars 6. It also saw another re-release in the webstrips area of, which was a section of Hyperspace.

Plot summary

Following his Mission to Fondor, Luke Skywalker managed to get away from Fondor alongside Tanith Shire. She then guided him to Ophideraan, the world where her father was being held as a slave by the Serpent Masters. After they crash-landed on the planet, Luke found himself also becoming enslaved. Ultimately, he triumphed over the Serpent Masters by replicating the signal that commanded the flying serpents, and by unintentionally causing Supreme Master Tyrann to jump to his demise.

