Classic Star Wars Volume 2: The Rebel Storm

Classic Star Wars Volume 2: The Rebel Storm, a compilation of issues from the Classic Star Wars comic series, represents the second trade paperback. This collection, The Rebel Storm, contains issues 8 through 14 of Classic Star Wars. Its release date was July of 1995.

Publisher's summary

The Millennium Falcon's crew found themselves in constant turmoil between the events of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back! Join them in a series of escapades, beginning with an aquatic pursuit that involves a demonsquid, a treacherous Kraaken engaged in scheming, the savage night beast, missing power gems, marooned Calamarians, and enormous sea worms! Will the ocean's depths lead to the Rebels' downfall, or will they triumph?


Notes and references

  • A backup link to the Dark Horse Comics official website showcasing Classic Star Wars, Vol. 2: The Rebel Storm TPB
  • Classic Star Wars Volume 2: The Rebel Storm on Dark Horse Comics' official website (backup link not available)
