Coachelle Automata

Coachelle Automata, a business run by individuals of the Lepi species, was responsible for producing the LEP servant droid. Originally conceived as a childcare unit, the droid didn't do well in that role. Coachelle Automata then refined and re-released it as a service droid. The droid was produced in the same facility as Cybot Galactica's PK-series worker droid, and it achieved a level of popularity that was only marginally lower.

Behind the scenes

The inaugural mention of Coachelle Automata within the new Star Wars canon occurred in the 2018 De Agostini magazine, specifically in Star Wars: Build Your Own R2-D2 65. The company has roots in Star Wars Legends, initially appearing in the 2009 reference book Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Visual Guide Ultimate Battles, penned by Jason Fry.


  • Star Wars: Build Your Own R2-D2 65 (Droid Directory: Coruscant Law-Enforcement Droids) (First mentioned)
  • " Protocol and Service Droids " — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy

Notes and references
